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Our 5 Favorite Books to Build Your Confidence: Must-Reads for Creative Entrepreneurs

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Our 5 Favorite Books to Build Your Confidence: Must-Reads for Creative Entrepreneurs

As important as it is to educate yourself on your discipline and to work toward being a badass wedding planner, it’s just as important—if not more—to work on yourself outside of the industry. Being both mentally tough and self aware are both so important for creative entrepreneurs and wedding planners. Today, then, we’ve rounded up our five favorite books to build your confidence. Dust off your reading glasses, kick back in that armchair, and get ready to soak in some seriously wise words from these inspiring authors. 

1. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Though this book was written in 1937 (say what?) it still has endless relevance today. I love this book because it focuses on mindset and then outlines a specific plan for you to follow—so you walk away with immediate action steps and a sense of confidence that you can complete them. One of my favorite parts of this one is the section on creating your own mastermind group. It may sound a little too self-help-y at first, but it’s the single most beneficial idea I took away from this book—it’s helped me become a better leader and entrepreneur in more ways than I can count.

2. Daring Greatly by Brène Brown

I’ll admit it: I am obsessed with Brène Brown. She is so great about breaking down the barrier and silence surrounding vulnerability. Her message in this one is all about having the courage to allow yourself to be vulnerable. And, as any business owner in this industry knows, being vulnerable is often par for the course when it comes to being willing to sharing your creative ideas with the wedding world. Like so many of the books we’re sharing today, this one isn’t just for your business—the invaluable lessons here can be applied to your personal life as well.

3. You are a Badass by Jen Sincero

We’re rounding out our list with one of the most inspirational reads of all. I’m a firm believer that the lens through which you see the world has everything to do with the decisions you make. Sincero offers up endless inspiration and advice for altering that lens so that it’s more beneficial to you—she gives you the tools you need to have a fresh perspective on life...which we all need at one point or another. One thing’s for sure—this book will leave you feeling inspired to make refreshing, endlessly beneficial changes in your life!

4. The E Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber

Whenever someone tells me they want to be an entrepreneur, my first piece of advice is to buy this book. It’s an absolute must-read for anyone wanting to start a business (and even for those who have already started one). It sheds some serious light on the reasons most business fail. Plus, the information is broken down in a really digestible, easy-to-understand way.

5. Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday

We all know how easy it is to fall into the trap of woe is me. You’ve got endless meetings, a nagging client, a weather forecast that’s not cooperating with that upcoming wedding you’re planning, and a never ending list of at-home chores to complete on top of it (oh, and--look at that--your washing machine just broke!). This book, though, is a solid reminder that every stressful setback in life is an opportunity in disguise. It reminds us that the only way to true success is to use these inevitable setbacks to your advantage. This book inspired me not only to apply this mindset to my business, but to my everyday life as well. When things go wrong—as they’re bound to do—re-read this book (and then pour yourself a generous glass of wine).